Tenino, WA
Summer Sizzler
T90 Ranch
July 7-9 2023
DERBY - 1st GO
Division I
1 Serena Randall Awesome Hot Stuff 16.575  $    566.00
2 Kaley Crawford CinchYaWazUp 16.782  $    424.00
3 Becky Dannaker Bet On Moonshine 16.823  $    283.00
4 Ariel McClure LS A Millionaires Fling 16.886  $    141.00
Summer Huston Gotta Awesome Idea 16.893
Rachel Stoller Classys Lil Hayday 17.081
Kyla Miller PC Judge Madisun 17.228
Lacey Kuhlmann Zippos Piper Finale 17.233
Sue Ruzicka Dats To Good To Btru "Trudy" 17.238
Kaitlin Nations PC Judge Joe Te 17.239
Jordan Bailey PC Mari This Judge 17.241
Robin Packard Firewater Suzanna 17.262
Josey Auman Moon The Judge 17.324
Division II
1 Bobo McMillan Jets Smooth Fame "Morgan" 17.408  $    242.00
2 Rhianna Olson JM AliveNFullOfPerks 17.410  $    182.00
3 Justyce Brewer Ridin French Jets 17.428  $    121.00
4 Kali Hojem Racin The Judge 17.438  $      61.00
Erica Luzzi Rock My Judge "Rocky" 17.448
Lacey Kuhlmann Vegas Bomb 17.502
April Hollinger LF SmoochN On John 17.512
Jessica Bruegeman Miss Famous Blueberry 17.534
Hannah Chalker THR Smoken Byby Kiss 17.727
Jessi Auman Twisted Derbys Judge 17.833
Michele Lyons French GenuineFalcon "Hawk" 17.887
Sara Hopf Guys Special Coin 17.975
Brynn Powers Sheza Stinson Girl 17.994
Torrey Belus Smart Azure Tucker 18.185
Erica Luzzi Red Hot Okie Fling 18.222
Rheta Mote Horse 18.959
Ariel McClure LS Dats Cuz YourMine "Porscha" 19.530
Lacie Davis Judges Hot Hickory 19.858
Julia Johnson Coats Shawnee Flit 22.401
Rio Schmidt Two Tru AllinOneRay "Ray" 22.579
Megan Townsend For Some Jess 23.437
Brittany Ford KissinCashInTheDark 25.986
Kimber Kuhlmann FL Jess A Plain Gem 28.344
Linzie Lindsey MoonshineMadeMeDoIt NT
Jasmin Feist LDR A Smart Fling NT
DERBY - 2nd GO
Division I
1 Kaley Crawford CinchYaWazUp 16.551  $    566.00
2 Josey Auman Moon The Judge 16.788  $    424.00
3 Summer Huston Gotta Awesome Idea 16.802  $    283.00
4 Jordan Bailey PC Mari This Judge 17.005  $    141.00
Serena Randall Awesome Hot Stuff 17.017
Kyla Miller PC Judge Madisun 17.127
Ariel McClure LS Dats Cuz YourMine "Porscha" 17.192
Linzie Lindsey MoonshineMadeMeDoIt 17.206
Division II
1 Brynn Powers Sheza Stinson Girl 17.314  $    242.00
2 April Hollinger LF SmoochN On John 17.353  $    182.00
3 Erica Luzzi Rock My Judge "Rocky" 17.366  $    121.00
4 Jessi Auman Twisted Derbys Judge 17.383  $      61.00
Kali Hojem Racin The Judge 17.415
Robin Packard Firewater Suzanna 17.468
Kaitlin Nations PC Judge Joe Te 17.516
Jessica Bruegeman Miss Famous Blueberry 17.583
Lacey Kuhlmann Zippos Piper Finale 17.612
Justyce Brewer Ridin French Jets 17.667
Rio Schmidt Two Tru AllinOneRay "Ray" 17.696
Rhianna Olson JM AliveNFullOfPerks 17.702
Bobo McMillan Jets Smooth Fame "Morgan" 17.766
Sue Ruzicka Dats To Good To Btru "Trudy" 18.018
Michele Lyons French GenuineFalcon "Hawk" 18.024
Torrey Belus Smart Azure Tucker 18.123
Lacie Davis Judges Hot Hickory 18.152
Rheta Mote Horse 18.154
Erica Luzzi Red Hot Okie Fling 18.553
Jasmin Feist LDR A Smart Fling 19.024
Becky Dannaker Bet On Moonshine 22.461
Lacey Kuhlmann Vegas Bomb 22.678
Sara Hopf Guys Special Coin 23.003
Ariel McClure LS A Millionaires Fling 23.277
Brittany Ford KissinCashInTheDark 24.114
Rachel Stoller Classys Lil Hayday 30.109
Julia Johnson Coats Shawnee Flit 33.195
Hannah Chalker THR Smoken Byby Kiss NT
DERBY AVERAGE Total Sat, 7/8 Sun, 7/9
Division I
1 Kaley Crawford CinchYaWazUp 33.333  $    566.00 16.782 16.551
2 Serena Randall Awesome Hot Stuff 33.592  $    424.00 16.575 17.017
3 Summer Huston Gotta Awesome Idea 33.695  $    283.00 16.893 16.802
4 Josey Auman Moon The Judge 34.112  $    141.00 17.324 16.788
Jordan Bailey PC Mari This Judge 34.246 17.241 17.005
Kyla Miller PC Judge Madisun 34.355 17.228 17.127
Robin Packard Firewater Suzanna 34.730 17.262 17.468
Kaitlin Nations PC Judge Joe Te 34.755 17.239 17.516
Erica Luzzi Rock My Judge "Rocky" 34.814 17.448 17.366
Division II
1 Lacey Kuhlmann Zippos Piper Finale 34.845  $    242.00 17.233 17.612
2 Kali Hojem Racin The Judge 34.853  $    182.00 17.438 17.415
3 April Hollinger LF SmoochN On John 34.865  $    121.00 17.512 17.353
4 Justyce Brewer Ridin French Jets 35.095  $      61.00 17.428 17.667
Rhianna Olson JM AliveNFullOfPerks 35.112 17.410 17.702
Jessica Bruegeman Miss Famous Blueberry 35.117 17.534 17.583
Bobo McMillan Jets Smooth Fame "Morgan" 35.174 17.408 17.766
Jessi Auman Twisted Derbys Judge 35.216 17.833 17.383
Sue Ruzicka Dats To Good To Btru "Trudy" 35.256 17.238 18.018
Brynn Powers Sheza Stinson Girl 35.308 17.994 17.314
Michele Lyons French GenuineFalcon "Hawk" 35.911 17.887 18.024
Torrey Belus Smart Azure Tucker 36.308 18.185 18.123
Ariel McClure LS Dats Cuz YourMine "Porscha" 36.722 19.530 17.192
Erica Luzzi Red Hot Okie Fling 36.775 18.222 18.553
Rheta Mote Horse 37.113 18.959 18.154
Lacie Davis Judges Hot Hickory 38.010 19.858 18.152
Becky Dannaker Bet On Moonshine 39.284 16.823 22.461
Ariel McClure LS A Millionaires Fling 40.163 16.886 23.277
Lacey Kuhlmann Vegas Bomb 40.180 17.502 22.678
Rio Schmidt Two Tru AllinOneRay "Ray" 40.275 22.579 17.696
Sara Hopf Guys Special Coin 40.978 17.975 23.003
Rachel Stoller Classys Lil Hayday 47.190 17.081 30.109
Brittany Ford KissinCashInTheDark 50.100 25.986 24.114
Julia Johnson Coats Shawnee Flit 55.596 22.401 33.195